Increased potency in men after 60

mature man with poor potency how to increase

Decreased ability to perform sexual intercourse at this age is a natural physiological process due to the slow but steady decline of the reproductive function of the male body.

Despite the physiological nature of such a phenomenon, you cannot call it pleasant: normal potency is the key to male strength, in a sense, the ability for sexual intimacy is associated with masculinity and wealth of a man, as a representative of the stronger sex.

Erectile dysfunction leads to psychological problems and self-doubt. But not everything is lost: even at the age of 60, a man can be what is called "on horseback".

How the male reproductive system functions at 60

Objective truth: in old age, potency is no longer the same as in 20 or 30 years. Improper lifestyle, chronic diseases and a general decrease in the tone of the body affect. However, this is not an axiom.

Unlike women, for whom menopause is an inevitable phenomenon, there is no male menopause, and the representative of the stronger sex can remain in excellent sexual shape almost to the grave, giving odds to the young.

Despite this, maintaining the reproductive system in a functional state requires more effort and responsibility. Motivation plays a significant role: without patience and work at this age, a normal erection is simply impossible.

At the age of 60, it takes more time to maintain a normal libido and arousal, the erection becomes sluggish, the penis is often incapable of penetrative intercourse. Potency in old age is characterized by the following features:

  • the level of male specific hormone decreases sharply. The concentration of testosterone drops by almost half, which causes erectile dysfunction and difficulty in sexual intercourse;
  • the penis does not have the same size even at the peak of sexual arousal;
  • the skin in the scrotum no longer has the same elasticity and sags. This does not affect the level of sexual health, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing, which can affect the psychological state of a man, causing a psychogenic decrease in libido;
  • to maintain a productive erection requires more effort and time;
  • the testicles become smaller and lose their former elasticity;
  • decreased sexual sensitivity. Erogenous zones are no longer able to maintain the required level of nerve conduction;
  • after sexual discharge, the penis quickly descends, and it takes a long time to achieve a stable erection again.

Any elderly male person encounters similar problems, but this is not an axiom either. It all depends on the lifestyle and health of a particular representative of the stronger sex. In any case, it is possible to restore potency after 60 years. It all depends on the desire, aspiration and the availability of some medical knowledge.

What factors lead to a decrease in potency

Such factors can be divided into physiological and pathological.


  • Obesity. It is a consequence of a general metabolic disorder.
  • Smoking. Nicotine affects the blood supply to the pelvic organs, causing ischemia and artificial vascular atherosclerosis. Lack of blood circulation is the path to impotence.
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol. Alcohol dulls libido, reducing testosterone levels. You can drink only in moderation - no more than one glass of wine per day.
  • Psychogenic causes (self-doubt, phobias and fears).
  • Hypodynamia (lack of movement).
  • Taking certain drugs (especially psychotropic ones).


Diseases include:

  • Venereal diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases "hurt" men's health, affecting the prostate and testicles.
  • Hypertension. Causes vascular fragility and ischemia of the pelvic organs.
  • Prostatitis. It is considered a real scourge of males over 60 years old. According to statistics, 70% of older men suffer from this dangerous disease. The disease is characterized by erectile dysfunction and problems with normal urination. Despite this, the defeat of the prostate is not a sentence. The disease causes temporary impotence. It is quite possible to correct the pathological condition.
  • BPH. Benign tumor of the glandular tissue of the prostate. It has similar manifestations with prostatitis. It requires mandatory surgical treatment, since not only reproductive function is at stake, but also health in general.
  • Inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions of the testicles and their appendages: orchitis, epididymitis, cryptorchidism (extremely rare in adulthood), etc.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Including urolithiasis, pyelonephritis.
  • Endocrine pathologies at the level of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), hypothalamus and pituitary gland (hypogonadism).

Understanding the root causes can only be done with the help of a competent doctor. The only thing that the patient himself can do is to adhere to the rules of prevention in order to reduce the role of physiological factors. What to do to restore potency after 60 years - this issue can only be resolved by the representative of the stronger sex.

Norm or pathology - is everything in order

The first thing to do to determine if the reproductive system is normal is to conduct a potency test, that is, self-diagnosis.

To do this is simple:

  • The number of sexual acts in persons over 60 years of age is, on average, 1-2 per week. If a representative of the strong half of humanity can maintain such a level of sexual activity, everything is in order.
  • Morning erection. A preserved morning erection is an indicator of sexual health. But its absence is not a sentence or an indicator.
  • Night erection. A nocturnal erection also indicates normal reproductive function.

If only the morning erection disappears, there is no reason to panic, but when the nighttime potency also disappears, there is reason to be wary. To determine how things are at night, you need to make a paper ring according to the size of the penis and put it on at night at the base of the penis. If in the morning the "product" is preserved intact, we can talk about pathology. In this case, you can not do without the help of a doctor.

You should contact an andrologist. He will prescribe several diagnostic measures, including:

  1. Spermogram. Allows you to determine the mobility of spermatozoa and the fertilizing properties of seminal fluid.
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Sometimes a decrease in potency is caused by pathological causes.
  3. Rectal digital examination of the prostate. To rule out prostatitis.
  4. Analysis of prostate juice. It also allows you to identify prostatitis and other diseases of the glandular organ.
  5. Blood test for PSA.
  6. General blood analysis. Needed to determine the concentration of sugar. Diabetes is the enemy of men's health.

After passing these studies, a person will know for sure whether it is a norm or a pathology. The main thing is not to delay visiting a specialist. The male body itself is quite fragile, and it is even more difficult to restore sexual function in adulthood.

How realistic is it to increase potency at this age

Strengthening male sexual activity after 60 years is more than real. It is not age that plays a big role, but will and desire, because the older the representative of the strong half of humanity, the more responsible the approach is required, and the more difficult it is to return a healthy erection. To increase potency after such a mature age, an integrated approach is needed, which includes:

  • Increasing physical activity.
  • Diet change.
  • Reception of specialized drugs.
  • It also involves the treatment of chronic diseases, of course, if any.

Increased potency in men after 60 years

A huge role in increasing potency is played by a change in diet.

Proper nutrition

First of all, you need to eat as many plant foods as possible (but not only). On the table should be:

  • nuts (especially walnuts, pistachios, almonds). Just a few tablespoons a day is enough;
  • grenades;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, lemons);
  • figs;
  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • legumes;
  • chicken eggs;
  • horseradish;
  • seafood (especially red fish, shrimp);
  • turnip;
  • bananas;
  • potato;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • grape;
  • honey.

Products, the use of which is undesirable:

  • fatty meats (beef, pork, lamb). Cause atherosclerosis, disrupting the nutrition of the genital organs. Such nutrition will definitely not help to increase the potency;
  • fatty dairy products: sour cream, milk, cream;
  • fast food. Promotes an increase in cholesterol and the formation of lipid deposits on the walls of blood vessels;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • salty foods;
  • alcohol in large quantities;
  • bread and sweets.

To increase potency, you need to eat fractionally, often and not overeat.

Physical activity to enhance potency

How to have a good potency at 60? To increase potency, it is important to maintain an optimal level of physical activity. In no case should you overwork: this will not help increase potency, but it will undermine both reproductive health and health in general.

Everyone knows that intense exercise causes the release of adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol. These substances block the production of testosterone. In addition, elderly patients rarely boast of excellent health: problems with the cardiovascular system affect. Therefore, you need to strictly control the level of pulse and blood pressure.

In this case, light physical exercises are suitable: walking in the fresh air, jogging, swimming, walking, morning exercises. Perfect for: aerobic exercises (contribute to the healing of the whole body), yoga, exercises for the pelvic muscles (it is worth straining and relaxing the muscles of the pelvis - this is called Kegel exercises.

Other recommendations

  • Restoration of a normal psychological background. If there are problems with a partner, they must be resolved, otherwise there will be no normal libido. A sexologist or sex therapist can help here.
  • You need to give up bad habits: no alcohol, tobacco, especially drugs.
  • It is necessary to stop taking drugs that depress sexual function. So you can quickly increase potency, but this should not be at the expense of health. It is important to consult with your doctor.
  • It is important to treat all chronic diseases that could cause erectile dysfunction.
  • You should take special vitamin and mineral complexes. Avitaminosis can be a factor that reduces the ability to intimacy.
  • It will help the use of exercises to restore erection. It is enough to relax and strain the muscles responsible for urination 30 times a day.
  • Practice sexual intercourse regularly. Systematic sex life is an ideal way to increase potency.

It may be necessary to use specialized drugs - an extreme measure. Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor, as they have a lot of side effects.


You can talk a lot about increasing potency in men after 60 with folk remedies, so let's focus on some effective recipes.

Phytotherapy can be a good help. They should be taken with caution (allergic reactions are possible). Here are some effective recipes:

  1. A mixture of walnuts with honey. Mix the components in equal proportions.
  2. Dubrovnik decoction. Take 2 tablespoons of chopped raw materials, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist for 60 minutes, then take 3-4 times a day for a third of a glass.
  3. Cabbage juice.
  4. Ginseng tincture. Accepted courses. On the first day, dissolve one drop in 0. 5 cups of water and take. Every day, add drop by drop until the number of drops reaches 28. After that, take the remedy in this dosage for 2-3 months. The prescription is contraindicated in violation of the functions of the heart, kidneys and liver.
  5. A decoction of rose hips. Take a tablespoon of berries, pour half a liter of boiling water, put all the ingredients in a thermos. Insist for six hours. After that, take half a glass twice a day for 1 month.

Potency in men at 55, and at 60, and even at 70 years old is more than real. It all depends on the patient himself. An integrated approach is important. If there is a desire and a strong will, it is possible to achieve an increase in potency in a short time "to the envy" of a twenty-year-old.